Free from Limitations... Live Fully in the Present

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EMDR will help you identify and release the beliefs that limit your ability to own your desirability, attractiveness and worthiness allowing you to be true to yourself and to confidently attract what you want in your dating and sex life.

But at times I think...

I am unattractive/ugly

I am not pretty/ skinny

I am not desirable or sexy

I am just "normal," there is nothing special about me that would attract someone

I don't deserve the type of person that I want to date

I am repulsive

I don't have anything to offer and am not worth getting to know

I am flawed, broken, have too much baggage

I am unlovable

I can't commit/ don't want to be alone, so I'll just stay in this relationship

 I am pathetic

Everyone I am interested in is out of my league, I am not good enough

I am not capable, I am inadequate

I can't be true to myself and what I want

I am bad/dirty/scarred

I am not safe

I make stupid choices in the partners I pick so I can't trust myself

I am unacceptable

I am crazy

I want to believe that I make good choices and know what is best for me.

​​I want to be confident in my sexual self so that I have a fulfilling sex life.

I want to be confident in my sexuality and be true to who I am.

I want to embrace that I am good enough and know that people will find that attractive.

I want to be confident in my appearance and know that I am desirable.

I want to know that I can attract the type of partner that is everything I want.

​I want to know I am loveable and feel worthy of being loved.

I want to be confident that my body is appealing  and good enough just the way it is.

I want to know that I deserve to be treated well in relationships and that I bring value to the relationship. 

Dating, Sex & Sexuality